Below, beneath, under, underneath 的分別, 您清楚知道嗎?
Below, beneath, under, underneath 的分別:
就介系詞用法而言,除了若干不同的意思外,它們均意為「(指位置) 在…的下面,在…之下」。
Below (反義詞為 above)
e.g.1. This lake is almost 350 meters below the sea. (這湖低於海平面將近 350 公尺) 2. Her skirt came below her knees. (她的裙子長及膝蓋之下); 3. There’s a gunshot wound below his right shoulder. (他的右肩下方有一處槍傷)。
Beneath 是表示某一事物處於另一事物正下方的位置,但含有被遮蓋的意思。
Eg 1. We took shelter beneath a huge tree. (我們躲在一棵大樹下); 2. The boat sank beneath the waves. (船沈沒於波濤之下); 3. They slept beneath the blankets. (他們睡在毯子之下); 4. The submarine waited, far beneath the ship. (潛艇遠在那艘船的下面等待著)。
Under (反義詞為 over) 亦表示某一事物處於另一事物正下方的位置,但往往用來表示下面的物體從一邊移動到另一邊的情況;
事實上,當下面的物體有動作時,under 是這四個介系詞當中唯一的用字,如 We took shelter under a huge tree. (我們躲在一棵大樹下);
What are you wearing under your jacket? (你外套裡面穿什麼?);
We drove under the bridge and came out into the High Street. (我們開車經過橋下,來到商業大街);
That girl crawled under the fence. (那女孩從柵欄下面爬了過去);
What are you kids doing under the table? (你們這些小孩在桌子底下幹什麼?)。
Underneath 在「靜態」方面的用法與 under 相近,
如 The baby girl liked to sit underneath/under the table. (這小女孩喜歡坐在桌子底下)。
然而,underneath 主要在強調遮蓋、接觸或藏匿的意思,所以下面的例句宜使用 underneath 而不用 under:
Everybody got underneath the tables to escape the gunfire. (大家都鑽到桌子下面躲避槍擊);
The President was partially crushed underneath the helicopter as it hit the ground. (直昇機墜地時壓住了總統的部分身體);
That letter had been pushed underneath the carpet by accident. (那封信偶然地被推到地毯的下面了);
I’ll leave the key underneath the mat. (我會把鑰匙放在墊子下面)。