厚臉皮=thick cheek?
1. thick-skinned
You don't become a property agent without being thick-skinned. 你不能當地產代理, 如果你的臉皮不厚。
2. He had the cheek to come back yesterday and then asked for money. 他昨天竟厚著臉皮, 回來向我討錢。
3. What a cheek! He asked his girlfriend to help him pay for the rent!
他真厚臉皮! 叫女友幫助他交屋租。
4. as bold as brass (用黃銅來比喻厚臉皮的人)
5. brazen -faced
I have never seen such a brazen-faced guest!
6. have the gall to
My colleague even had the gall to shoulder her responsibility to me.