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時事英語: 倫敦金騙案

早前倫敦金騙案成為城中熱話, 各位讀者有沒有留意這則新聞呢? 不妨學下以下生字。

1. London gold trading scams

Scams 指騙案, London gold 指倫敦金

2. sweet-talk 甜言蜜語

sweet-talk 是一個verb, sweet talker (Noun)

例句: Ten pretty, sweet-talking female brokers were arrested in a crackdown. 十個漂亮的, 口甜舌滑的女經紀於一次打擊活動中被捕。

例句: You are a sweet talker. 您是一個口甜舌滑的人。

例句: The girls then sweet-talked the men into paying to trade gold. 那些女孩再用花言巧語誘騙男士付款買倫敦金。

3. swindlers / fraudsters 騙子

4. Posh lifestyle 高檔的

The girls displayed a posh lifestyle on social media by showing off deluxe cars and watches. 那些女孩透過炫耀名車和名錶, 在社交媒體展示高檔的生活方式。

posh 也可解作(人或口音)上流社會的;談吐高雅的

A woman with a very posh accent called my brother earlier.


5. masterminds主媒

6. at large "逍遙法外,未被捕"

A large number of culprits were still at large. 大量罪犯仍逍遙法外。



Ms Chan 61695547

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